This regulatory tool establishes the developments necessary for the electricity transmission grid that will allow our electricity supply to continue to be safe, high-quality, and increasingly renewable.
Thanks to the Plan, the transmission grid is being scaled and prepared so that, besides meeting current demand, it is able to respond to new forms of consumption and to facilitate ecological transition, in compliance with domestic and European energy policies.

What does it contain?
The Plan document includes actions that involve both the development of new infrastructure and the reinforcement of existing facilities, as well as other types of investment necessary for the system’s safe operation. The Plan also identifies the projects necessary for further plans, making it possible to start the associated administrative procedures.

Who carries out planning?
The planning process is a participative one in which the National Government, Autonomous Communities, National Commission on Markets and Competition, and Red Eléctrica - as the system operator - all take part, as well as all stakeholders in the electricity sector. Civil society also has a say in this process.

What is time frame?
A new plan for the transmission grid is presented every 4 years to cover a six-year period, as established under current legislation (Law 24/2013 of the Electricity Sector).

How is it prepared?
The process is structured in the following 6 phases: proposal phase, preliminary studies, allegations, studies, consolidation and approval. Each plan responds to guiding principles that normally include guaranteed supply, environmental protection, and economic efficiency.

How is it approved and authorised?
The Plan is submitted to Parliament before it is approved at a cabinet meeting of the Spanish Government. Once approved, responsibility for authorising the projects lies with the General State Administration or the Autonomous Communities, depending on the type of transmission grid in question (primary or secondary).

Who executes its implementation?
Red Eléctrica, as the sole transmission agent for the Spanish electricity system, will carry out the projects for the construction of new infrastructures or the adaptation of existing ones once they have been authorised.