The State Administration, through the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, is designing the country’s energy policy.
To do this, it is working with the autonomous communities on energy planning that will define how the electricity system will be structured for the medium and long-term, in relation to electricity generation, demand, and the transmission grid.
2. Studies stage
Red Eléctrica, with the information obtained and the criteria established by the Ministry, carries out the relevant technical studies and drow up the Initial Network Development Proposal, which is then submitted to the Ministry.
Do you have questions about the transmission grid planning process for 2025-2030?
You can find the answers here
It is the regulatory tool that establishes the development needs of the electricity transmission network for the period 2025-2030. Specifically, through this development plan, existing infrastructures will be reinforced and new facilities will be promoted that will allow Spain to move forward on the path of ecological transition with guaranteed supply, placing environmental protection and the economic efficiency of the electricity system at the forefront.
The objectives of the transmission grid development plan for 2025-2030 are defined in Order TED/1375/2023 of 21 December, which initiated the procedure for making development proposals for the electricity transmission grid for the horizon of 2030. The following guiding principles are defined in it:
- Fulfilment of the energy and climate commitments that will be specified at the national level in the NECP 2021-2030.and any revisions that may be applied.
- To guarantee the supply of electricity for the transmission grid and the customers connected to this grid and any potential customers who submit robust, mature projects for the established period.
- Maximise use of renewable energy in the electricity system, minimising the risk of waste, in a way that is compatible with the safety of the electricity system.
- dThe transmission of renewable energy from areas with high availability of renewable resources and where it is environmentally possible to generate and transmit the energy generated.
- To contribute, with regard to the electricity transmission grid, to guaranteeing safe supply for the electricity system.
- To make the development of the electricity transmission grid compatible with environmental constraints.
- To remove the technical restrictions currently found in the electricity transmission grid..
- Compliance with the principles of economic efficiency and the principle of economic and financial sustainability of the electricity system.
- To maximise the use of the existing grid by renovating and extending capacity, using new technologies and reusing existing facilities.
- Minimise losses in the transmission of electrical energy to consumption points.
- To develop energy storage in accordance with the contents of NECP 2021-2030 and any revisions that may apply.
- Decarbonisation of industrial activity.
- Development of the industrial value chain linked to the energy transition.
- Territorial cohesion, the demographic challenge and fair transition.
The design of Network Development Plan is a participatory and transparent process that involves the participation of the subjects of the electricity sector and, in addition, allowes the participation of any entity or individual. The regulatory aspects governing the process are set out in the Electricity Sector Act 24/2013, RD 1955/2000, RD 1047/2013, the Environmental Assessment Act 21/2013 and RDL 1/2019. It consistes of the following phases:
- Proposal phases. After publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE), the autonomous communities and the sector stakeholders involves drew up proposals for the development of the transmission grid and submitted them to the Ministry and Red Eléctrica. At the same time, the CNMC issues a report with recommendations on economic and financial sustainability to be considered in the development of the grid.
- Study phase. Red Eléctrica, with the information obtained and the criteria established by the Ministry, carries out the relevant technical studies and drow up the Initial Network Development Proposal, which is then submitted to the Ministry.
- Claims phase. The Ministry sends the Initial Network Development Proposal to the Autonomous Communities to gather all their considerations.
- Study phase. The Ministry forwards all the considerations to Red Eléctrica, who analyses them and draws up the Network Development Proposal, sending it back to the Ministry.
- Consolidation phase. Having received and reviewed the assessment of compliance with the economic and financial sustainability criteria from the CNMC, the Ministry draws up the Transmission Network Development Plan for Electricity, which is to include the Strategic Environmental Statement issued by the environmental area of the Ministry. During the SEA public information period, any entity or person is given the opportunity to present claims.
- Approval phase. Finally, the Transmission Network Development Plan for Electricity is approved by the Government, after being submitted to Parliament.
We are currently in the studies phase (from 1 April 2024 to 1 October 2024).
The authorisation of projects will be the responsibility of the General State Administration or the Autonomous Communities, depending on the type of transmission grid affected (primary or secondary).
The General State Administration will be responsible for authorising those infrastructures of the primary transmission grid and the secondary transmission grid that affect more than one Autonomous Community. For its part, the affected Autonomous Community will authorise the infrastructures of the secondary transmission grid that run only through its territory.
- The primary transmission grid is made up of lines, parks, transformers and other electrical elements with nominal voltages equal to or greater than 380 kV, as well as international interconnections and those of non-mainland electricity systems.
- The secondary transmission grid consists of lines, parks, transformers and other elements of the transmission grid not included in the primary transmission grid.
Red Eléctrica, as the sole transmission agent of the Spanish electricity system, will carry out the projects for the construction of new infrastructures or the adaptation of existing ones once they have been authorised.
If you have any doubts about the proposal phase, we will listen to you